Prayer is Our Lifeblood!

At FBCCH, prayer is the lifeblood of all we do. So much so, our entire Sunday night gathering is devoted to it. We meet to pray together and to abide in His presence–– a solemn assembly dedicated to listening and hearing the voice of God speaking into our lives. As strange as it may seem, this is not a foreign concept. God wants to speak and commune with us daily. House of Prayer is a specific time on His day that we have purposely set aside for you, along with our faith family, to enjoy His presence without the constant distractions of everyday life. Regardless if you spend fifteen minutes or an hour and fifteen minutes, House of Prayer is a time for you to enjoy sweet fellowship with your Savior and Lord.

We do not take for granted all of the great things that God is doing in our midst. In fact, what He is doing and how he is moving, for such a time as this, we attribute solely to the seeking prayers of the House of Prayer.

"Only God can move mountains. Faith and prayer move God!" ––E.M Bounds, The Necessity of Prayer